Tank container logistics in Germany - Neuss Hafen (DEU)
With the new cleaning station, the Filzhut group is able to meet special requirements of their customers in the region as well as abroad. The philosophy "The customer is king" fits in perfectly with this.
The cleaning station was completed in November 2019 and meets the latest quality standards. The station is equipped with five bays, including three special chemical bays and two special food bays. The station has the facility to clean tank trailers, tank containers and silo wagons, as two of the chemical bays and two of the food bays are each equipped with five rotorjets. The third chemistry bay is equipped with a special 200-bar system for cleaning difficult chemicals from a tank container.
In order to be on an equal footing with the upcoming standard in the food industry, both food conveyors are equipped with the Gröninger Cleaning Guard system. This system monitors and stores the data of each cleaning in order to create a cleaning certificate with the cleaning parameters.
In order to guarantee and maintain a high standard, the depot is equipped with its own waste water treatment system (supplied by Gröninger partner Aaqua) consisting of an influent buffer, an air flotation system, a biology tank and an effluent buffer. At CoTaLo's special request, the waste water flow from the food conveyors can be routed to an in-house treatment system or to the communal sewerage system.
As a basis for qualified work, the cleaning station has various certificates, such as the SQAS, Kosher and EFTCO Food certificates. The company uses sustainable energy and is environmentally conscious. Use is made of an on-site power plant based on biogas.
In addition to tank cleaning, the CoTaLo depot offers the following services: - Storage of empty tank containers (to comply with all food safety requirements of food products); - Repair of tank containers and tank trucks including periodic tests; - Transport of loaded and empty tanks.
Gröninger is proud to have been chosen as a partner of CoTaLo and the Filzhut group for the delivery of this new cleaning station in the heart of the German production area.