Ready for the future: new tank cleaning - Zelzate (BEL)

New tank cleaning

The new tank cleaning facility will have six washing bays, four for bulk products and light chemicals and two for food.

In 2007 our Gröninger NEWS Magazine had an item on De Vleesschauwer, also known as Spoelhal Rosteyne in Zelzate, Belgium. The item told the story of Mr. Daniel De Vleesschauwer seeing an opportunity in 1993 and him rising to the occasion. Starting with a manually operated single cleaning bay his commitment to quality spread all over the region. Soon a second bay was built and operated and after ten years of manual operation, the company teamed up with Gröninger and automated the two original bays. Soon after two additional manual bays were added. In order to keep ahead of the game a major investment was made in a state-of-the-art waste water treatment system, built by Gröninger long term partners AAQUA.

Shortly after the start-up Daniel’s daughter and son, Sabine and Wim De Vleesschauwer, joined the company and have been director-owners of the cleaning station since Daniel’s retirement. It is genetically impossible for Sabine and Wim to stand still and soon plans were made for a major enlargement of the cleaning facility. The whole process of planning and permit applications has taken a while, but early summer of 2018 the decision was made for a major expansion.

The new facility will have six washing bays, four for bulk products and light chemicals and two for food. The water preparation system is best-in-class, combining hot water and steam boilers, thereby optimizing fuel efficiency. In addition the waste water will be partly recuperated, making use of a reverse osmosis system. A highly intelligent pump back-up system ensures zero downtime. All automation, including the automation for the existing bays, is upgraded to the latest standards. This will give Sabine and Wim control over both the cleaning process (Cleaning Guard) and the technical processes.

Gröninger is proud to be called part¬ners of this challenging, family-owned company which now is a diamond in the industry.
