Cleaning heavily contaminated latex tanks - Den Hartogh Gothenburg (SWE)
Cleaning heavily contaminated latex tanks
The existing tank cleaning facility at Hedenskogs Tankeri AB in Gothenburg, Sweden has been recently equipped with a latex cleaning unit. Den Hartogh, who acquired the Swedish company at the beginning of 2022, performs cleaning and heating activities at the site in addition to transport.
Cleaning hardened latex remnants is difficult with a standard high pressure cleaning system. Gröninger developed a fully automatic latex circulation unit dedicated to this purpose, which is continuously modernized. By using a heated batch with a chemical cleaning agent, the latex is dissolved in the tank, eliminating the need for manual work. Together with the customer, Gröninger analyzed how the operations could be carried out as energy efficiently as possible, and selected an electric-powered return pump to reduce compressed air consumption.
The unit is placed in a 20ft technical container with a work platform on top, allowing tanks to be cleaned on a separate bay without disturbing regular tank cleaning activities.